Commerce Pundit
The following is a blog post written for 4Seating during my time with Commerce Pundit:
With hot-button issues such as climate change taking center stage lately, many people are changing their habits to lead more eco-friendly lives. But what about the environmental impact of a home theater, given the inherent increase in energy consumption? Not to worry! Here are some tips and tricks for making your home theater as energy efficient as possible so you can rest assured that you’re doing your part to minimize your carbon footprint without sacrificing the luxury of a home theater.
Purchase Energy Star products
Energy Star-rated products meet the EPA guidelines for energy efficiency and use 10–50% less energy than non-rated appliances. When shopping for your viewing screens, projectors, and other home theater devices, keep an eye out for the Energy Star logo.
Properly insulate your space
Like any other room in your home, your home theater will rely on proper insulation to maintain the correct temperature as efficiently as possible. Be sure to check windows, doorways, and vents for any flaws and make adjustments as necessary.
Unplug devices when not in use
Your home theater is probably not in use 24/7. Unplug your devices when they’re not in use for an easy way to increase energy efficiency. Alternatively, consider using an occupancy sensor to automatically power lights and devices when the room is in use.
Use smart thermostats to easily maintain temps
Advances in technology have resulted in a wide variety of smart devices, including smart thermostats that allow you to control your home’s temperature remotely. Most of them are fairly customizable and learn patterns in your behavior over time; this allows the device to adjust your home theater’s temperature to align with your energy efficiency goals.
Hire a professional energy auditor
A professional energy auditor can spot things most of us would overlook by carefully evaluating your space and analyzing its energy efficiency. Use the online directory to find a certified professional near you.
Solar panels
If you live in an area that gets a lot of sunshine, you may want to consider powering your home with solar panels. First, do some research to find out if solar panels are right for your energy consumption needs. In many cases, switching to solar comes with added tax incentives! As with anything, though, there are pros and cons to be weighed before you make a final decision.
Replace Incandescent Bulbs
Incandescent bulbs are demonstrably less efficient than other options on the market, such as LED. Taking the time to replace your incandescent bulbs with something more energy efficient will pay off in the long run, and you’ll be able to rest assured that you’re having a positive impact on the environment.
Once you’ve taken steps to make your home theater more energy-efficient, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy all your favorite flicks guilt-free!